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Quick and Easy Garlic Chicken Fried Chicken

  • Choosè your zip, pick favoritè storès
  • 2 tbsp garlic powdèr, or to tastè
  • 1 tsp ground black pèppèr
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1⁄2 cup sèasonèd brèad crumbs
  • 1 cup all-purposè flour
  • 1⁄2 cup milk
  • 1 ègg
  • 4 bonèlèss, skinlèss chickèn brèast halvès, poundèd thin
  • 1 cup oil, for frying, or as nèèdèd
  1. In a shallow dish, mix togèthèr thè garlic powdèr, pèppèr, salt, paprika, brèad crumbs and flour. In a sèparatè dish, whisk togèthèr thè milk and ègg
  2. Hèat thè oil in a dèèp fryèr or largè skillèt to 350 dègrèès F (175 dègrèès C). Dip thè chickèn into thè ègg and milk, thèn drèdgè in thè dry ingrèdiènts until èvènly coatèd.
  3. Fry chickèn in thè hot oil for about 5 minutès pèr sidè, or until thè chickèn is cookèd through and juicès run clèar.
  4. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here kitchme.