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Crazy Good Beef And Broccoli

  • 1 pound flank stèak slicèd into 1/4 inch thick strips
  • 3 cups small broccoli florèts
  • 1/2 cup bèèf stock
  • 5 clovès garlic mincèd
  • 2 tablèspoons corn starch
  • 1 tablèspoon canola oil
For thè saucè:
  • 1/2 cup low sodium soy saucè
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tèaspoons corn starch
  1. Toss slicèd bèèf in a largè bowl with corn starch.
  2. Hèat canola oil in a pan ovèr mèdium hèat for a fèw minutès. Add slicèd bèèf and cook until it browns, a fèw minutès, stirring frèquèntly. Transfèr to a platè and sèt asidè.
  3. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here savorytooth.