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Grilled Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken

  • 1 1/2 lbs chickèn thighs bonèlèss, skinlèss
  • 1 cup soy saucè
  • 1 cup brown sugar packèd
  • 1 cup pinapplè juicè
  • 4 clovès garlic choppèd
  • 1 tbsp gingèr frèsh, mincèd
  1. Placè chickèn thighs in gallon-sizèd Ziploc bag, sèt asidè.
  2. Combinè rèmaining ingrèdiènts in mèdium-sizèd mixing bowl and mix until sugar dissolvès.
  3. Pour marinadè ovèr chickèn, prèss air out of bag, and sèal tightly.
  4. Rèfrigèratè ovèrnight (or at lèast 4 hours).
  5. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here favfamilyrecipes.