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Grilled Bruschetta Chicken

  • 2 bonèlèss, skinlèss, chickèn brèasts, halvèd horizontally to makè 4 fillèts
  • 3 tèaspoons Italian sèasoning (drièd orègano, basil, rosèmary, and thymè)
  • Salt and frèsh crackèd pèppèr to tastè
  • 3 tablèspoons olivè oil, dividèd
  • 4 tomatoès, sèèdèd and finèly dicèd
  • 2 tablèspoons mincèd onion
  • 1 tèaspoon mincèd garlic
  • 3 tablèspoons toastèd pinè nuts
  • Shrèddèd frèsh basil
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinègar + 1 tablèspoon sugar (optional)
  1. Hèat balsamic vinègar in a small saucèpan ovèr mèdium and bring to a boil. Rèducè hèat to low and allow to simmèr for 5-8 minutès or until mixturè has thickènèd and rèducèd to a syrupy consistèncy.
  2. Sèason chickèn fillèts with Italian sèasoning, salt and pèppèr. Hèat oil in a skillèt, and sèar chickèn fillèts ovèr mèdium hèat until brownèd on both sidès and cookèd through. Sèt asidè.
  3. In a bowl, combinè dicèd tomatoès, onion, garlic, basil, olivè oil and a pinch of salt. Top èach chickèn fillèt with thè tomato salsa and sprinklè with toastèd pinè nuts and morè basil if nèèdèd. Drizzlè thè balsamic rèduction on top and sèrvè immèdiatèly. Ènjoy!
  4. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here: eatwell101.com