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Wild Mushroom and Beef Stew

  • 2 pounds of chuck cut up into bitè sizè cubès
  • 1 largè onion choppèd
  • 1 pound of a varièty of mushrooms roughly choppèd
  • 1 bay lèaf
  • 5 clovès of garlic
  • 6 sprigs of thymè
  • 1 cup Cognac
  • vègètablè oil
  • salt and pèppèr to tastè
  • about 2 quarts bèèf stock
  1. Cut up thè mèat into mèdium bitè sizè cubès and sèason with salt and pèppèr on both sidès. Prèhèat a Dutch ovèn or a thick bottomèd pot with vègètablè oil until it starts to smokè.
  2. Prèhèat thè ovèn to 325-dègrèès.
  3. Placè thè bèèf into thè pot, making surè not to ovèrcrowd thè pan. Allow to brown on all sidès.
  4. In thè mèantimè, wash and roughly chop your mushrooms.
  5. Chèck on thè mèat and rèmovè oncè nicè and brown. Sèt asidè. You will havè somè fat and bits on thè bottom of thè pot. Lèt it bè. This is your flavor.

Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit hèrè @girlandthekitchen.