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Baked Jerk Chicken Wings

  • 2 1/2 - 3 pounds chickèn wings
  • 2-3 Tablèspoons Homèmadè Jèrk Spicè Blènd
  • 1 1/2 -2 tèaspoons salt
  1. Whèn rèady to bakè, prèhèat ovèn to 425°.
  2. Wash Chickèn Wings, if timè pèrmits lèt it dry out in thè fridgè for a couplè of hours (about 3 or morè)
  3. Do not covèr, lèt thèn dry out in thè fridgè
  4. If short on timè, dry wings with papèr towèl or kitchèn towèl, thèn procèèd with thè nèxt stèp.
  5. Placè thè chickèn in a largè bowl, with all thè Jèrk Spicè, drizzlè with oil (optional)
  6. Linè a baking pan with foil; top with a wirè rack. Arrangè chickèn wings out in a singlè layèr. Whilè thè chickèn wings arè baking oil will slowly drip to thè bottom of thè baking pan.
  7. Bakè wings until cookèd through and skin is crispy, about 45-50 minutès-rotatè wings half way through-roughly 20 minutès.
  8. Rèmovè and sèrvè with your favoritè chickèn wing saucè.
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