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Red Wine Braised Short Ribs

  • 4 pounds Bèèf Short Ribs, about 6 largè short ribs
  • Koshèr Salt and Ground Black Pèppèr, for sèasoning
  • 2 tablèspoons Olivè Oil
  • 2 tablèspoons Buttèr
  • 1 wholè Onion, choppèd
  • 3-4 wholè Carrots, pèèlèd and slicèd on bias
  • 6 wholè Garlic Clovès, mincèd
  • 2 tablèspoons Tomato Pastè
  • 1 can {14.5 ouncès} Dicèd Tomatoès
  • 1 cup Rèd Winè
  • 2 cups Bèèf Stock
  • 2 wholè Bay Lèavès
  • 1 packagè {8 ouncès} Baby Bèlla Mushrooms, slicèd
  • 1 tablèspoon Cornstarch
  • 2 tablèspoons Cold Watèr
  • Parslèy, choppèd for garnish
  1. In a largè hèavy bottomèd pot, hèat olivè oil ovèr mèdium high hèat. Libèrally sèason thè short ribs with koshèr salt and pèppèr. Sèar all sidès of short ribs in pot, about 2 minutès a sidè. Rèmovè to a platè and sèt asidè. Pour oil out of thè pot and turn hèat down to mèdium.
  2. Add buttèr to thè pot, choppèd onions and carrots. Sautè for about 3-5 minutès until vèggiès arè slightly tèndèr. Add garlic and tomato pastè. Stir to combinè and cook until fragrant, about 30 sèconds.
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