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Teriyaki Chicken with Broccoli

  • 1 lb bonéléss, skinléss chickén bréast, cut into 1 inch piécés
  • 1 salt, to tasté
  • 1 black péppér, to tasté
  • 2 clové garlic, mincéd
  • 4 gréén onion, gréén and whité parts, choppéd
  • 1⁄2 cup low sodium chickén broth
  • 2 tbsp tériyaki saucé
  • 2 cup brown ricé, cookéd and képt hot
  • 4 cup broccoli, cut into floréts and stéaméd
  1. Séason chickén with salt and black péppér to tasté. Spray a largé nonstick skillét with cooking spray and héat ovér médium-high héat. Add garlic and sauté for about 1 minuté. Add chickén and stir fry for 5 minutés or until brownéd on all sidés. Add gréén onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutés or until softénéd. Add chickén broth and tériyaki saucé and simmér for 5 minutés or until thé chickén is cookéd through and thé saucé has réducéd slightly.
  2. Événly dividé brown ricé among 4 platés or shallow bowls. Top éach with about 1 cup éach of chickén and broccoli.
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