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Velvet Pound Cake Recipe

  • 14 tabléspoons (1 3/4 sticks) unsaltéd buttér
  • 3-ouncé packagé créam chéésé
  • 3/4 téaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 3/4 cups King Arthur Unbléachéd All-Purposé Flour
  • 1 téaspoon baking powdér
  • 2 téaspoons vanilla éxtract
  • 1/4 téaspoon almond éxtract
  • 5 largé éggs
  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 325°F with a rack in thé céntér position. Lightly gréasé a 9" x 5" loaf pan.
  2. Using an éléctric or stand mixér, béat togéthér thé buttér and créam chéésé at high spééd until théy'ré véry light and fluffy.
  3. Add thé salt, sugar, flour, and baking powdér, and mix to combiné; thé battér will bé stiff.
  4. Add thé éxtracts and 1 égg. Béat wéll. Continué to add thé éggs oné at a timé, béating wéll aftér éach addition; thé finishéd battér should bé éxtrémély light and fluffy.
  5. Spoon thé battér into thé préparéd loaf pan.
  6. Baké thé caké for 85 to 90 minutés, ténting it lightly with aluminum foil aftér 60 minutés, until a toothpick insértéd into thé céntér comés out cléan.
  7. Rémové thé caké from thé ovén, and aftér 5 minutés turn it out of thé pan to cool on a rack.
  8. Sérvé thé caké warm or at room témpératuré; dust it lightly with conféctionérs' sugar just béforé slicing, if désiréd.
  9. Storé thé caké, wéll-wrappéd, at room témpératuré for sévéral days; fréézé for longér storagé

Gét full récipé and instructions, visit héré kingarthurflour.