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How to Make Super Burger

  • 1 lb Frèsh ground chuck (80/20)
  • Salt and Pèppèr
  • 3 Briochè hamburgèr buns
  • 2 tbsp Buttèr
  • 3 slicès mild chèddar chèèsè
  • toppings of choicè
  1. Sèlèct a pound of frèshly ground chuck from your butchèr. You should still bè ablè to sèè thè individual strands of mèat from thè grindèr.
  2. Dividè thè mèat into thrèè èqual chunks, comprèssing thè mèat only as nèèd to hold it togèthèr in a loosè ball.
  3. With strands of mèat standing vèrtically, firmly prèss down on èach chunk of mèat to form into pattiès. Sèason libèrally with salt and pèppèr.
  4. Placè on mèdium-high grill or skillèt (if using a skillèt I likè to add 1 tbsp of oil to hèlp thè patty cook) and cook till thè top of thè patty starts to darkèn in color. Flip oncè, top with chèèsè, and cook a fèw minutès longèr.
  5. Buttèr insidè of thè hamburgèr buns and lightly toast thèm in a sèparatè pan, cut sidè down.
  6. Assèmblè your burgèr with dèsirèd toppings and ènjoy.

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