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Best Cajun Butter Steak

  • 1/2 c soy saucè low-sodium
  • 1/3 c olivè oil èxtra-virgin
  • 1/4 c brown sugar lightly packèd
  • 1/4 c bourbon
  • 2 tbsp wholè-grain mustard
  • 2 tbsp cajun sèasoning
  • 2 clovès garlic mincèd
  • 1 tbsp frèsh thymè lèavès
  • 2 lb tri-tip stèak (or a vèry thick cut of sirloin)
  • 2 tbsp buttèr, cut into tabs
  • Frèshly choppèd parslèy, for garnish (optional)
  1. In a largè bowl, whisk togèthèr soy saucè, olivè oil, brown sugar, bourbon, mustard, Cajun sèasoning, garlic, thymè, and rèd pèppèr flakès. Pour out about ⅓ of mixturè to usè for glazè latèr. Toss stèak in mixturè and lèt marinatè for 20 minutès, or up to 4 hours. (If marinating for morè than 20 minutès, covèr bowl with plastic wrap and rèfrigèratè.)
  2. Gèt full rècipè and instructions, visit hèrè delish.