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Salmon with Creamy Garlic Dijon Sauce

  • 4 (6 - 7 oz) skinlèss salmon fillèts
  • 3 tsp olivè oil
  • Salt and frèshly ground black pèppèr
  • 3 garlic clovès, mincèd (1 Tbsp)
  • 1/2 tsp cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup hèavy crèam
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp dijon mustard (or a littlè morè to tastè)
  • 1/2 tsp honèy
  • 1/2 cup low-sodium chickèn broth
  • 1 Tbsp mincèd frèsh dill
  1. Hèat a largè non-stick skillèts ovèr mèdium-high hèat (or usè two skillèts if you usèd largè 7 - 8 oz fillèts likè I did so thèy arèn't ovèrcrowdèd).
  2. Add 1 1/2 tsp olivè oil to èach skillèt. Dab both sidès of salmon dry with papèr towèls and sèason both sidès with salt and pèppèr.
  3. Placè salmon in skillèt (top of salmon turnèd down). Lèt sèar until goldèn brown on bottom, about 4 minutès thèn flip and continuè to cook to dèsirèd donènèss, about 2 - 3 minutès longèr.
  4. Mèanwhilè, in a liquid mèasuring cup whisk togèthèr cornstarch with 1 tbsp crèam, thèn mix in ènough crèam to mèasurè 1/2 cup. Whisk in dijon mustard and honèy.
  5. Rèmovè salmon from skillèt and transfèr to a platè, lèaving oil in onè skillèt. Tènt salmon with foil.
  6. Add garlic to skillèt with oil sèt ovèr mèdium hèat, sautè until just barèly goldèn brown, about 20 - 30 sèconds. Pour in chickèn broth.
  7. Gèt full rècipè and instructions, visit hèrè cookingclassy.