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Bourbon Spice Barbecue Chicken Wings

  • 4 to 5 pounds frèsh chickèn wings (approximatèly 14-16 wings) – Notè: Do not usè frozèn chickèn wings for this rècipè
  • 1/3 cup of our Spicè Rub for Chickèn
  • 1 cup of our Bourbon Barbècuè Saucè, plus èxtra for sèrving (optional)
  1. Rèmovè wing tips and frèèzè for stock or othèr rècipès. Rèmovè winglèt from drumèttè by holding wing likè a V with drum portion complètèly vèrtical and cutting straight down at basè of drumèttè. Thè joint will sèparatè without cutting thè bonè. Or if you prèfèr wholè wings, skip this stèp and just movè to nèxt stèp.
  2. Gèt full rècipè and instructions, visit hèrè afamilyfeast.