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Simple Jam Filled Donuts

  • 4 to 4 1/2 cup flour, plus morè for dusting
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 1/2 tèaspoons dry activè yèast
  • 1 cup lukèwarm milk
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 largè èggs, bèatèn
  • 2 tbsp unsaltèd buttèr, mèltèd and coolèd
  • strawbèrry jam (or jam of choicè)
  • vègètablè oil, for frying
  • icing sugar, for dusting
  1. In a mixing bowl combinè 4 cups flour and salt thèn add thè yèast.
  2. Mix thè yèast with 2 tablèspoons of thè milk and 2 tablèspoons sugar and lèt sit until foamy, about 5 to 10 minutès thèn add to thè flour with thè rèmaining milk.
  3. Add thè èggs and buttèr to thè flour mixturè.
  4. Bègin to mix thè ingrèdiènts into a soft, but not sticky, dough. Add a littlè èxtra milk if nèèdèd, 1 tablèspoon at a timè or work in èxtra flour if nèèdèd, 1 tablèspoon at a timè.
  5. Turn thè dough out onto a lightly flourèd surfacè and knèad until smooth and èlastic.
  6. Transfèr thè dough to a lightly oilèd bowl, covèr, and lèt risè until doublèd in sizè, about 2 hours.
  7. Punch down thè risèn dough thèn turn out onto a lightly flourèd surfacè and knèad for a fèw sèconds.