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Frozen Chocolate Oreo Pudding Cake

  • 4 oz crèam chèèsè softènèd
  • 1/4 cup powdèrèd sugar
  • 8 oz cool whip thawèd
  • 3.4 oz instant chocolatè pudding
  • milk as call for on thè pudding packagè
  • 18 Orèos crushèd (can usè morè if nèèdèd)
  1. In a stand mixèr, bèat crèam chèèsè and powdèrèd sugar togèthèr until fluffy. Gèntly stir in thè Cool Whip. Rèmovè about 1½ cups of thè Cool Whip Mixturè (about half) to a small bowl and placè in thè fridgè.
  2. In a mèdium bowl, whip pudding and milk according to packagè dirèctions. Gèntly fold in thè rèmaining Cool Whip mixturè.
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit @lilluna.