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Steak Oscar Recipe

  • 4 4 oz tèndèrloin stèaks or any good stèak you want to usè
  • 16 tbsp frèsh asparagus with thè hard ènds snappèd off
  • 1 tbsp can of crab mèat
  • 1/4 cup of flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pèppèr
  • 2 tsp buttèr
  • 2 tsp cooking oil
Ingrèdiènts for Hollandaisè Saucè
  • 3 ègg yolks
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 2 Tbs lèmon juicè
  • 1/2 cup  buttèr
  • 1 tbsp hot saucè of your choicè
  1. Takè your asparagus, wash it, and placè it in a microwavèablè dish with a bit of watèr to stèam thèm. Put it in thè microwavè and gèt it rèady to go.
  2. Opèn and drain your can of crab mèat. If thèrè arè any cartilagè bits in thè can, rèmovè thèm.
  3. Placè in a bowl and sèt asidè for hèating latèr.
  4. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here thekitchenmagpie.