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Slow Cooker Asian Glazed Chicken

  • 2 pounds (1 kg) skinlèss bonèlèss chickèn brèasts (or chickèn thighs)
  • 1/2 cup low-sodium soy saucè (light soy)
  • 1/3 cup oystèr saucè
  • 1/3 cup honèy, (or brown sugar)
  • 6 largè garlic clovès, crushèd
  • 1 1/2 tablèspoons cornstarch (cornflour)
  • 3 tablèspoons watèr
  • 1/4 cup grèèn onions/scallions slicèd, to garnish
  • 1 tablèspoons sèsamè sèèds, to garnish
  1. Whisk togèthèr thè soy saucè, oystèr saucè, honèy (or brown sugar) and garlic in slow cookèr bowl. Placè chickèn into thè saucè, rotating to coat. Covèr and cook for 3-4 hours on high or 6-8 hours on low sètting.
  2. Whèn thè saucè is simmèring (in thè last hour of cooking timè), whisk thè cornstarch and watèr togèthèr in a small bowl until dissolvèd. Stir thè cornstarch mixturè into thè saucè; mix it through and covèr again to allow to thickèn and continuè cooking until thè chickèn is just bèginning to fall apart.
  3. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here cafedelites.