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The Best Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings Recipe

  • 20 Party stylè chickèn wings
  • 1 Cup Frèsh Jèrk marinadè
  • 1/4 Cup Frèsh Jèrk marinadè (for saucè)
  • 2 Tablèspoon Kètchup
  1. Prèp: Soak thè pimènto wood in somè watèr for 20 minutès.
  2. Combinè thè Jèrk Marinadè and chickèn wings in a largè zip-top bag. Mix thè marinadè and wings togèthèr, ènsuring that thè chickèn is complètèly covèrèd. Closè thè bag and rèfrigèratè for 4 hours to ovèrnight(I strongly rècommènd ovèr night for an authèntic tastè).
  3. Prèhèat an outdoor grill with coals.
  4. Add thè pimènto wood that has bèèn soakèd for 20 mins. Placè thè wood dirèctly on gratès.
  5. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here: cookingmaniac.com