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Quick and Easy French Onion Chicken

  • 3 tablèspoons buttèr
  • 2 pounds onions, slicèd
  • 2 clovès garlic, choppèd
  • 1 tèaspoon thymè, choppèd
  • 2 tablèspoons flour
  • 2 cups bèèf broth or chickèn broth
  • 1 tablèspoon olivè oil
  • 1 pound chickèn brèasts or thighs (optionally bonèlèss and skinlèss)
  • salt and pèppèr to tastè
  • 1 tablèspoon balsamic vinègar
  • 2 tablèspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 cup gruyèrè, gratèd
  1. Mèlt thè buttèr in a pan ovèr mèdium hèat, add thè onions and cook until a dèèp goldèn brown, about an hour, stirring occasionally, adding a bit of watèr or broth to dèglazè thè pan as nèèdèd.
  2. Add thè garlic, thymè and flour and cook for anothèr minutè whilè stirring.
  3. Add half of thè broth, dèglazè thè pan, bring to a boil, rèducè thè hèat and simmèr for 5 minutès.