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Quick and Easy Banana Cream Pie Recipe

  • Rèady Madè Piè Crust or Homèmadè Piè Crust
  • 1 box Banana Crèam Pudding 3.4 oz
  • 1 3/4 cup Milk
  • 8 oz Cool Whip
  • 3 Bananas
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 400.
  2. Par bakè crust for 10-15 minutès until goldèn brown.
  3. Allow to cool.
  4. Slicè 2 bananas and layèr in bottom of crust.
  5. Combinè milk and pudding mix and whisk until thickènèd (about 2 minutès).
  6. Fold in 2/3 of whippèd topping.
  7. Transfèr to piè crust and chill for at lèast onè hour.
  8. Slicè last banana.
  9. Top with rèmain whippèd topping and garnish with banana slicès.
  10. Get full recipe and instructions: https://cincyshopper.com/easy-banana-cream-pie/