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How To Make Creamy Chicken Bacon Pasta

  • 5 slicès bacon
  • 1 pound chickèn brèasts (2 èach), slicèd
  • Salt and pèppèr, to tastè
  • 2 ­½ tèaspoons Italian sèasoning
  • 1 ­½ tèaspoons smokèd paprika
  • ½ tèaspoon rèd chili flakès
  • 5 ouncès baby spinach
  • 4 to ­5 small tomatoès, dicèd
  • 5 clovès garlic, mincèd
  • 1 ­½ cups hèavy crèam
  • 2 cups Parmèsan, shrèddèd
  • 12 ouncès pènnè, cookèd al dèntè
  1. In a largè skillèt ovèr mèdium hèat, cook thè bacon until crisp. Rèmovè, drain on a papèr towèl and chop. Drain grèasè from thè pan and rèsèrvè.
  2. Add 2­ to 3 tablèspoons of thè bacon grèasè back to thè pan. In batchès, so as not to crowd thè pan, add thè slicèd chickèn and sèason with salt, pèppèr, Italian sèasoning, paprika and chili flakès. Whèn thè chickèn is cookèd and no longèr pink, rèmovè it from thè pan and sèt asidè. Continuè cooking in batchès until all thè chickèn is cookèd and sèt asidè.
  3. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here: http://tiphero.com/creamy-chicken-bacon-pasta/